Monday 9 November 2015

Term 2 is underway...

Term 2 @ Downsview Primary School
After a week off, I hope that everyone is refreshed and ready for another busy term of learning. Term 2 is really important – there was lots of good progress made in the first term of the year and we need to maintain this momentum and continue to improve.
Teaching staff have been busy planning their topics for Term 2 using our recently introduced Cornerstones Curriculum. There are four phases within the Cornerstones work that we do in school; engage, develop, innovate and express. When starting a new topic, we want to motivate and engage the children so they are fired up about their learning. This is done in the ‘engage’ phase. The ‘develop’ phase gives lots of time for new learning and knowledge whilst the ‘innovate’ phase allows children a chance to apply their newly acquired skills and knowledge. Finishing with the ‘express’ phase, children prepare to share their learning and show just how much they have learnt or improved. The implementation of the new curriculum has really helped us to link concepts in a meaningful and effective manner.
Term 2 topics for each year group can be seen below:

Year Group:
Topic Title & Theme:
Year R (Apple Class)
‘Are we nearly there yet?’
Children will be starting with a journey into space and then thinking about other journeys closer to home.
Year 1 (Birch Class)
‘Dinosaur Planet’
History based project focusing on dinosaurs and life long ago.
Year 2 (Cherry Class)
‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’
An art and design based project focusing on different materials including clay and other messy materials.
Year 3 (Elm Class)
A design technology based project based on different foods and recipes.
Year 4 (Fir Class)
‘Traders and Raiders’
History based project focusing mainly on the Anglo-Saxon and Viking life.
Year 5 (Holly Class)
Science based project focusing on our solar system, the sun, moon and stars.
Year 6 (Oak Class)
‘A child’s war’
History based project focusing on WWII and what young children experienced.

 Each topic has a subject theme or focus (e.g: Science, Music, Art, PE) with other subjects and skills creatively linked. Over the year, the school carefully plans to ensure all subjects and skills in the National Curriculum are covered.